High Intensity Support


We understand that each person has different needs and requirements… Tree of Care's caring and skilled professionals offer high intensity support services to manage your complex needs.

What high intensity support services does Tree of Care offer?

Tree of Care will support you in services like implementation of behaviour support plan, complex bowel care, enteral feeding management (including PEG feed), tracheostomy care, urinary catheter care, ventilation care, subcutaneous injection, management of diabetes, wound management (including pressure care) and stoma care.

How will Tree of Care support me with my behaviour?

Tree of Care is a behaviour support provider. We will work closely with your specialist to identify and manage behaviours as per your plan.

Will Tree of Care staff be qualified enough to support my complex needs?

Our team of nurses and educators will provide client specific training to our staff based on your needs.

Our Service

Supports that we provide

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